Blue Sky Roof Cleaning Process - Blue Sky Pressure Washing NH (603) 594 - WASH "9274"

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Blue Sky Roof Cleaning Process - Blue Sky Pressure Washing

Blue Sky Roof Cleaning Process:

Roof cleaning is not the same as siding / clapboard washing, and it is not an exact science.

Below we try to explain clearly our process so you can have accurate expectations.

Please note: lichen, algae, and moss grow into the shingles, and can never be perfectly removed.

1.  We softwash. The water pressure is similar to that of a garden hose.
More than that can cause shingles to lift and water to find a way into your roof and or ceilings like ice backup can do in the winter.

2.  We use biodegradable cleaning solution (safe for pets, humans, and landscaping). This stays on the shingles for
about 15 minutes and kills all of the moss, algae, and lichen.

3.  The black streaks are a type of algae and will come off the same day of service.

4.  The green is moss and / or lichen.  Although they will be killed that day, there will be grey and white left on the roof which
comes off over time from the rain storms.  
The reason it does not come off that day, is because it needs to die down to the roots, and then as it rains more it washes it off.  
If we have normal rain weekly, it should come off gradually over 30-60 days.
Please note: Some home owners choose to pay to have it manually scraped off, an expensive service.

We do not offer this service for two reasons:
a. Manually scraping shingles can damage if not ruin your shingles and roof.
b. We do not have our men go onto the roof surface itself due to the safety and liability issues.

Call or EMAIL  today for your free quote!

Pressure Washing Commercial Service Pressure Washing Commercial Service